Wine Reviewed Rappenhof Dornfelder Trocken 2004 13.0% alcohol about $15.50. Let?s start by quoting the marketing materials. Dornfelder is a cross, bred in 1956 by August Herold. In its genealogy, the grape claims every important red ...
Wine Reviewed Rappenhof Dornfelder Trocken 2004 13.0% alcohol about $15.50. Let?s start by quoting the marketing materials. Dornfelder is a cross, bred in 1956 by August Herold. In its genealogy, the grape claims every important red ...
Wine Reviewed Rappenhof Dornfelder Trocken 2004 13.0% alcohol about $15.50 Let's start by quoting the marketing materials. Dornfelder is a cross, bred in 1956 by August Herold. In its genealogy, the grape claims every important red vine ...